Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 A Face A Day

A Face A Day

Hello 2013!
For the past several years I have dedicated each new year to a 365 days creative project. This is the first project I've opened to an audience wider than my family and a very select circle of friends. But it's time. Artistically speaking, if the art doesn't have a place of expression -- a recipient for what's given -- it never really lives. Like Madeleine L'Engle says, "Art is communication, and if there is no communication it is as though the work has been stillborn." (Walking on Water, pg. 30)

This year's project is titled "A Face A Day: 365 self portraits and others." I am a devoted practitioner of self portrait (photography and other media), and wanted a project that could accommodate self portrait without limiting me solely to my own face as subject matter.
I will, to the best of my ability, post an image a day for the next 365 days.
So here goes.
Self portrait 1-1-13